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Cutting the Right Key for Your Business {Episode 67}

business how-to mindset Oct 24, 2024

Sometimes building a business can feel akin to trying to open a lock using the wrong key. Nothing fits, everything's hard and you just feel stuck. The challenge comes from the fact that your business is uniquely yours, and no one has ever built one like you yet!

This episode will walk you through a few signs that will tell you how to know if you're cutting the right business "key" and if not, how to tweak the things that aren't working. I'll also teach you how to know when you DO have the right "key" but you just need to turn up the volume and do more of what's working.

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00:28 Welcome to Burning Brightly

00:52 The Perfect Key Analogy

02:19 Trial and Error in Business

04:22 Identifying a Broken Key

08:57 Signs of a Working Key

09:23 Identifying the Right Audience and Offer

10:10 Crafting Clear and Concise Messaging

10:33 Building a Detailed Coaching Program

11:07 Passion and Free Content

12:03 The Role of a Business Coach

12:32 Scaling Your Business

13:07 Attracting and Nurturing Leads

15:37 Conversion Strategies

16:53 Perfecting Your Business Key

17:47 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

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